Thursday, April 29, 2010

If i am lost ...

Would you find me ?

Hello. Damn . Now like got cramp like that on my stomach. Like pain all the way until reach my throat. ZZ i think i eat too full.. lol cause don't know why just now so hungry..

ORAL TODAY. ENGLISH ONE!!! ZZ . Okay reading okay lah. The passage like ... AHH. So hard to describe cause like very simple. About some ducks on the road .. LOL. Conversation okay bah.. I guess.....

Bye bye.. You don't exist in my world anymore. (:

Okay that was like random. Yea.. But it has a special meaning. Hahas . . Today when waiting for the oral thing to reach me . Shannon and I went to change the lyrics of the song " Eenie Meenie " So now become ..... Bryan Sim = Big Stinko Then Mr.S= Gay Guy / Unwanted Gay / Wifeless

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA LOLOL.. Okay lah joking. Then Bryan Sim also got help with the lyrics .. Really damn funny .. I think edit the " Baby" Song easier . " Eenie Meenie " Quite hard leh ):

Just finished my science homework... Sianz now... Okay.. give you one part of the song (:

" You seem like those gays "
" Who always go geylang "
" And make out almost everyday"
" You run around the house "
" All naked "
" I don't know what to say.."

Okay this is the part where the song went ... " You seem like the type...To love em' and leave em" And the chorus.. Bla bla blah. Creating more peoms. Now like got alot. Most of them about love. Although i never experienced before. I want to. I mean.. its exciting LOL.Alot people ask me why i write all about love.. And the answer is.. i really don't know. I don't know what is true love. I haven't even really experienced it. Maybe once. But failed anyway. I want a true and everlasting one - The one i had always been pursuing.

And i realised. Mr salleh like damn kaypo lah. People got stead or got BGR what has it gotta do with him. Kaypo lao auntie ==

Got thrashing from social studies teacher cause never ask permission then like half of the class ran out to the toilet to change including me... LOL.. Actually all Mr Salleh fault. If never ask us go wear uniform , also don't need to change. Plus lunch only 25 min... ZZ change and queqe for toilet cubicle like 10 mins already. 15 mins. 5 min queqe for food. 3 min find table , left how much time? Now still want to shorten our recess..Z. Why teacher so cruel de. ZZ

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Zzz. Today don't know why my image thing on blogger got prob.

Damn , later still got tuition.. AHH . I damn tired sia. Tomorrow oral somemore. ZZ After oral tuition ==. Feel tired today , don't know why.

Man.. my mind has some glitches. Is it true , or not? Do we have it , or not ? Do i have it , or not? ZZ . After that sms i replied about something , i don't know if there is still the "__" there. Maybe a tiny little bit? If there is , i would be overjoyed . But if not , i will be sad .. cause i know that the thing i have pursued for is gone . Is this feeling infatuated or what ? I wish i can be like ... " Questions ... Disappear..." And then its gone.

I want to love .. but i don't think i can.

Please , give me back my heart . I want to move on.

You were my everything . But not anymore. Im sorry. I failed to give you the forever and always we both always wanted.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today i am..feeling....


Okay. Today i am feeling happy for no reason. Now quite bored .. Don't feel like doing any homework. ZZZ. Yesterday no homework.. then today all the homework bomb at me. =.= .

Today visited the dentist in school. The dentist so rude lor. Still say i rude just cause i ask questions which was " Are you going to pluck my teeth? " And like i abit scared of the stuff she use to clean check lol. Then later she was like " Oi stop that. You behaving like primary one.. " Damn. I wish i could ask her. " Do you know that fear is one of a human's natural behaviour? " == . Fancy her telling me off. Fear also don't know is what. And. I act like primary 1 i care meh. ZZ No. None of your business anyway. You don't like me , don't want to see me , then quit your job for all i care == Never answer my question. Still say i rude. Go die ==

Now boring sia. On Itouch playing some tower defence game. I wish like got more games or music to play or listen to. Now in the game like i invincible lol. So powerrr! All the alien attacking my sheep cannot pass through my proness and awsomeness ! XD But damn. Left 1 sheep. Cause at the starting i screwed up. LOL

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This feeling.....

Is just not right.

Yo. Like a few days did not post already. Got my new itouch on monday! :D So chio leh the itouch hahas. * Haolian* LOL .

Mr Salleh's gone. So almost like everyone is happy.

I get this kind of feeling. Like im being .. left out. Everyone is happy and im not really so. I don't know why. Its not cause i miss mr salleh. But its cause..I don't get any fun . Like theres nothing to do at all. Z. And when i ask this person stuff. The person don't tell me anything. The answers are just " don't know ." I feel sian and tired of hearing this answers. Sad at the same time too. Is it you really don't know the answer , don't feel like answering , or you are too lazy to explain or say it. Please. If you don't feel like answering. Just tell me. I won't bug you anymore.

Second thing im troubled about. Are you really my friend , or are you just using me ? I share everything with you. But you don't . You always can't be bothered. But i always try my best to do what you want me to do ( Mostly ) But you seem like. You don't care. You are just using me . When you are bored.. You just talk to me and whatever. When im bored and you're talking to someone else. You don't bother how i feel. You don't give me a word of consolation.

But it is alright. I think the friendship is gone. But perhaps an artificial one would suffice.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

If i said help ,
Will you come and save me?

Damn. im like really confused. "_____" has been telling me stuff that i think theres this feeling we both have. Im not sure it is me. But i can sense it somehow. On the other hand , theres this person who i have the same feelings for. But im not sure if the person has it too. If i tell him , i don't think i can talk to the person anymore. I want to know who is deeper. Who should i choose. And on another thought , what if im wrong? . Ahhh!! Please. Save me . Please. Can you give me back my heart? I don't want to be dillemma-ed. But i guess i don't think that " J " is me. So....i guess the other one for me? But i don' think it would work out anyway.

ZZZZ Homework not alot for this weekend. But its tiring. Just came back from loyang point .Rained heavily just now somemore. And.....YAY ITOUCH TOMORROW AT MY HOUSE . !! XDDD MINE ! YAYAYAY! :D

Friday, April 16, 2010


I miss you. D:
Sad today. Sent my helper away at around 4+. Went to airport at around 3.10 pm. Like so rush lor. Supp come back alr like 2.40 pm . Zz. Went and walk around the terminal. After that fetch new helper.
I still feel sad about my helper going back to the Philipines. Like we do so many things together. Going back to the tuition also laugh alot. Suddenly my mind flashes back the happy memories we had and a couple of sad ones. I missed how you told me facts about many stuff. Calling each others names. I missed everything we had in the 10 months together. I don't know when is the second chance i can meet you again and experience our laughters together. So yea.
Titi~ If you are reading my blog. Please remember to talk to me on MSN / Yahoo / Email / Twitter. And if can , use webcam. Miss ya. Don't forget me :D
I look down on Eejin. Cause he is a noob . LOL . Hahas . Jk. :D

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Mocha And Latte..

Happy One Year With Me.

You Hamsters Were Great. :D

Hey people.

April 12 was suppose to be my hamsters' one month Mocha And Latte. But i lazy post. So now i posted. Latte couldn't last up to 1 year with me. But she could last one year of age. She passed away because of a tumour. Sorry. I wasn't i good owner.

MR SALLEH'S GONE!!! YAY!!!XD Okay lah. For the first half of school for like 2 weeks i guess. Finally sia. XD Damn lah. I very tired sia. So much homework bomb at me. ZZz. Don't feel like doing. More like waste time. Why can't do in school .? Teacher also sometimes waste time by doing other stuff. ZZ

Mocha. Love Ya. Live long. You're wonderful. Fat ham! XD

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Erm sorry Shannon for what i said just now.But i guess you won't come to my blog anymore.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Eeyore is ...


Recently i saw this picture and i think Eeyore is so damn cute LOL . But TOFU more cute XD

Today play what Angel and Mortal game. Like suppose to keep secret then like ... tell everybody and what stuff.. ZZZ . LOL heard alot people say " Who get Verity as the mortal so suay . " LOLOL . I guess so... Aww. Did not get who i wanted. And i also want to know my angel who leh. But this Goondu Gutam so bad. Never tell me T_T. Oh and FYI , Gutam is Shannon's real name. She just keep hiding it cause she realised its a stupid name so yeah.. XD


Got a task to do later at tuition. Byes :D

Monday, April 12, 2010


Okay. Today. Nothing much happen uh.Something someone said made me blush some how. But im not sure why. Maybe i had already done something i wasn't suppose to . But i guess i don't regret.
School > BBT Shop >Home > Tuition >HOMEWORK.
WALAU SO MUCH HOMEWORK. Today like damn busy sia. Chinese homework want make me die already.
You "L*V*" Me. Or not?

Sunday, April 11, 2010

In the world ,

Is there such a thing?

Hey. I just found out something i didn't really like. i had to lend someone my head phone to someone who don't lend me stuff when i need them. It isn't fair. Ya . The headphone wasn't mine. Suposed to be for anyone. But i requested it. Not fair in any sense. Since not mine, FINE. I won't use. Bias. Don't Talk Crap.

Bored now. Still got stupid chinese homework to complete. But no mood at all now. ZZZ

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Hahas .

Hmm .. today tuition at 9 till like 2 then come back. Hmm..Happy today! XD Cause i guess i had cleared what i had always been thinking. But i think now im sure..

Talked with " _______" just now.. Noob lah he. Go hang me -_- Or he didn't talk so i hang him LOL. Then i msg him he boh reply.. ZZZZ

Alot homework seh. Cannot do finish. Still got Maths tuition homework . Damn.

I WANT TO PLAY L4D2!! But i cannot .. Sadzxc T_T

Friday, April 9, 2010

Man. Im confused.Help me.

Okay today played virus in school during lunch. Like damn embarassing i fell while catching ____. ZZZZZZ I guess nobody saw except that big mouth so its alright i guess (: .

Please. Save me.

Quarelled with " ____" yesterday. Really like.. pissed off but more like irritaited. Should i continue or struggle on? I love you. But did i get it back? I don't think so. You said you treasured everyone who is good to you. But you just let me walk away. You lieing or what?


I know you won't read this ... cause you don't even know my i just ranting out what my life is now.

Aww my knee pain.

My life was great. But now its screwed.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Yesterday forgotten to post all i wanted to say.

April 1 : Watched Clash Of The Titans with Shannon ( Gutam ) and 2 other people. NICE SHOW LOL 5 STARS . But i think Percy Jackson nicer cause the 1st part damn boring. FINALLY SIA.

1.6 km today. Suprisingly didn't fail. Got a C . But its alright. And fuck. I failed my standing board jump. ZZZZZ

I screw up everything. I made everything went mumbo jumbo. I suck.
Really , really tired week. NAPHA or how isit spelt yesterday. Tiring. Mentally too.Do i like him or not ? I asked myself. But i know , i won't get back what i gave out.1.6 km run tomorrow. Don't know how would i fair.I would probably fail , cause i know i have lost what gave me confidence. It has been 6 months since i know you. The seventh this month. It doesn't make a difference any way. You lied. It was supposed to be forever and always. But what happened now? Maybe i was the one who failed. I couldn't capture what i wanted the most. All you care is about friends , not me anymore. Every time i said its the last , i would be soft - hearted and think that nothing has happened. You didn't do anything.Just sit there. Can laugh some more. I don't think i mean anything to you anymore. But for me , its the opposite. I think im giving up.So it may be the final and last goodbye. I know you think i may be joking. But i guess im serious.