Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This post has...

Alieness! ( Jia Qi Looks Weird...) LOLOLOL Jk! :D
Curiousness ( Idk what charles doing so i assume lah hor.)
Yuckyness!!! ( Up and down )


Today.. Singapore's weather is like damn hot . ZZZ INSTANTLY WISH THAT IT WILL SNOW MAN! But thats never happening D: LOL
Today take English Paper 1 And Chinese Paper 1 LOL. Okay.. To be honest. Both also quite hard. LOL. Walau like cannot concentrate sia. So hot. My hand like burning. My feet also . The sole. Walau.. !! Then like not fair lor. Sit by the window ... window come in also no wind and the fan i can't feel it at all. == The window blow in the wind also cannot feel. Some idiot designer went to design the room as the wall ( which is taller than me when i sitting down ) Block all the wind coming in. DAMN IT LAH.
Like seriously not fair sia. I pay the same school fees as everyone. But some of them got the wind from the fan i and maybe some others don't have. Gongshang got so poor meh? Make the classroom bigger or put more fans also cannot meh? == Like if like that , i should pay lesser school fees or the people getting all the wind from the fan should pay more. Cause its not fair. We pay same. But the stuff we get not same. == Not deserve it or not. Is entitled no matter what. Noob lor. I Think tomorow i want bring my own fan sia. So hot. And warm..ZZ.I think like the weather in SG can fry egg alr . ~_~
Just now me and Shannon went 7-11 go prepare someone's present . Tomorrow then give! LOL . That person ah.. Confirm grow fatter LOLOL. Then later i went the most convinient mall of all! My downstairs minimart XD Go buy more stuff so the person becomes fatter XDD . Aiya .. Birthday boy mah tomorrow. So must fat abit. Then snapp photo more nice ah. LOL


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