Monday, May 31, 2010

today is like kinda big. Idiotic supplementary. But okay lah. Got help improve the studies i guess. Today Maths PP . Like damn stress. Cause like teacher give 5 minutes time limit or so for each question. But real exam can manage ur own time. Hais.

Today is gonna be the day..Im gonna..Tell..the person how i feel. But i only got one chance. Tell , Blow it , and good bye. It will be all over. suceeding chance is 20% . failing chance is..80% .. So.. I don't know what to do. I can't contain it any longer.. Ah..... 9 o clock. Depends on that.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Im dying of pain from headache now! D: .

Today in school like quarell with Joe alot. Irritaiting . Aiya but okay lah. It didn't spoil my day out with SL and BS to DownTown East. Went to watch Shrek Forever And After. Epic show. Very funny also! LOL I like the cat !

But before that , we went to Fish & Co. To eat our lunch and before that we went to my house . And i forever will not forget how i ate until so full until i feel like vomitting. I eat less than SL and BS but they two like waa. BS still hungry after eating half of Shannon's fish LOL. Okay lah the restaurant. BS don't really have bad taste..FOR ONCE.

After that went to the arcade. ZZZ . We play shooting the ball on the screen and Mario Kart . Lol. MK BS keep win lor. Not fair. And Shannon keep last ! XD Then later around 5.30 pm time to go back home. Bryan Sim run away then me and Shannon went to a nice spot to take a picture for memo then waited for the bus. Then i damn suay. Alight wrong stop. Then must walk long distance back. But okay lah. I think its really nice to take a walk alone.. you can think.

Charles just now ask me a very awkward question which i don't know how to answer. I still answered but i don't know if its true. Headache still haven go away. ):

Monday, May 24, 2010

Boring day at school. Nothing much ba. Singapore still so hot till i can fry an egg in the weather . D: .

Yesterday had a feast. Went Liang Court at Clark Quay to celebrate my grandfather's birthday. Food there was awsome. Five stars. But the 2nd last dish the noodles just mediocre. The fish was like.. Omg.. Melt in my mouth!! WOO WOO! . Feel like eating again. Yea. I think next year bah LOL.

Tomorrow Shannon , Bryan Sim and I going erm Down Town East. Cathay Cineplex watch movie. Still don't know what movie to watch leh. Shrek? Or maybe The Last Song. I don't know but Shannon want The Last Song and BS want Prince of Persia. I also want Prince Of Persia ... But haven come out yet. Only comes out on Friday. On Friday actually i bought some kind of Night Sky Starry Projection kit. At first i thought bluff people one. But i realise the hole too small. Then later i went to poke a bigger hole. Then later i was like omg sia. Damn nice. The room like covered with stars. !! :D

Okay nothing much to write already. Sian my chinese don't have A . ~_~

Friday, May 14, 2010

My shooting star . Stay with me. Forever And Always.

Hahas the 3rd picture is not shooting star lahhs. Is fireworks ... but look like shooting star lor.

Went out with Qian Hui A.k.a Rabbit to TM. Now i know how rabbit brain is..EXACTLY LIKE QIANHUI LOR. We went to buy book lah. (1st pic ) Then later wanted to go arcade cause nothing to do + so long never go le then the person say " No uniform is allowed " See. Rabbit brain right Qian hui. Go and wear uniform LOLOL.. Haha jk lah. But really leh. Disappointed.

So Qian Hui had another great idea. - Go to T1 . ZZ. But first we walk to Pet Safari then wanted buy pet food for my dearest Hamham! LOL But we agreed to go and eat first. So ya we went Mos Burger . i asked for takeaway than they give me this tag LOL . Then i was like " Huh ? Whats this for?" Than the women beside us just talk to us while trying to operate her brand new iphone LOL. Then Qian hui jealous LOL. So when we went to T1 . Qian Hui wanted to go to some Mickey store LOL. Then we went to make this beaded stuff around $12 for 2 LOL. I make my name lah. So nice rite? Got finding nemo characters. You go see Qian Hui one. Confirm say mine nicer LOL. Then later walk until like so tired sia. Until my leg pain. Walk for 2 hours. LOL

Then around 4.30pm time to say bye le . Then later Qian Hui go take some " Comfort " Bus to her condo LOL SPOILT CHILD . Then i went to take the normal public bus home. Like damn suay lah can. I outdated didnt know they change the 293 for my block to blue colour than to st 80+ or something to red. Then i go take the red one. LOL . Cause last time mine is red de. Then i bored wrong bus lah. ZZZZZ Like 30 min sia one whole loop..ZZ.Waste time lol. D:

After that i was finally home!! YAY! Cause my feet tired le. Saw Natalie while walking towards the lift. So yea. And... THE RED PYRAMID IS A NICE BOOK. RECOMMENDED ! LOL .. Although lots of people got le.

Okay this post is like duper long @_@ Exams finally over. Nearly froze in the hall. So freaking cold can? I got jacket lah. But that jacket not comfortable .. LOL and very thin.. Air con days in school are over... Sad..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Posting with itouch. Com the wireless broke down-.-. Sian today maths paper. Its quite easy just that idk last question and question 18. Damn. Later got tuition so sian. I think need to go early mother tongue exam tml. Dk why just now someone so angry. Idk if you're angry or not. But anyway sorry. Hope i pass maths paper. At least like get 80+

Friday, May 7, 2010

Maybe the person you see now may not be me...

Cause i feel something in me within.

Hello..Then again..SG IS FREAKIN HOT. EXAMS COMING!!!! But like no mood study or something.. Preparing someone's gift. Gonna be two items :P really alot work to do leh for the gift. But aiya suan lahhs LOL. Monday must stay back till like 3 do the gift. Stay back until 2 to shift the tables to the hall LOL.

Recently i have been into composing poems... Here's one..

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Joe pisses me off..
He's some idiot trying to act ah beng , but inside is some freaky nerd.

Okay today go school as usual , singapore's weather is still so hot and ya. I realised how come my itouch can't post one! LOL. And oh ya. Today is Charles Birthday so Me Jiaqi And Shannon gave him a gift. Yea.. A gift that will make him like so damn fat LOL.

Today i feel so pissed off . Joe and he dorky friends keep pissing me off in tuition. He like f**king send me all the rubbish. I feel like changing my number sia. I want to go tell Mr Lim. But i tell you. You tell Mr Salleh he will not care one. Confirm 100%.

Joe is a f**king ass faggot. Think he so good ? I think when he grow up he confirm be some rapist or drug seller. Maybe even worse , he go be transexual and change himself into a girl . Then go geylang and sell his body like prostitutes and seduce men. But i think nobody will buy anyway. He also not sexy. That ugly F**k face.

Woah.. Today i nearly gave myself away sia..OMG. LOL. Wonder if he realised..Ah..I really want him to know sia.. But i don't want to tell him..Plus he already got a crush sia..But not me...What should i do? ): I guess i'll have to work harder to make him notice..But now our relation also quite good bahhh i think..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This post has...

Alieness! ( Jia Qi Looks Weird...) LOLOLOL Jk! :D
Curiousness ( Idk what charles doing so i assume lah hor.)
Yuckyness!!! ( Up and down )


Today.. Singapore's weather is like damn hot . ZZZ INSTANTLY WISH THAT IT WILL SNOW MAN! But thats never happening D: LOL
Today take English Paper 1 And Chinese Paper 1 LOL. Okay.. To be honest. Both also quite hard. LOL. Walau like cannot concentrate sia. So hot. My hand like burning. My feet also . The sole. Walau.. !! Then like not fair lor. Sit by the window ... window come in also no wind and the fan i can't feel it at all. == The window blow in the wind also cannot feel. Some idiot designer went to design the room as the wall ( which is taller than me when i sitting down ) Block all the wind coming in. DAMN IT LAH.
Like seriously not fair sia. I pay the same school fees as everyone. But some of them got the wind from the fan i and maybe some others don't have. Gongshang got so poor meh? Make the classroom bigger or put more fans also cannot meh? == Like if like that , i should pay lesser school fees or the people getting all the wind from the fan should pay more. Cause its not fair. We pay same. But the stuff we get not same. == Not deserve it or not. Is entitled no matter what. Noob lor. I Think tomorow i want bring my own fan sia. So hot. And warm..ZZ.I think like the weather in SG can fry egg alr . ~_~
Just now me and Shannon went 7-11 go prepare someone's present . Tomorrow then give! LOL . That person ah.. Confirm grow fatter LOLOL. Then later i went the most convinient mall of all! My downstairs minimart XD Go buy more stuff so the person becomes fatter XDD . Aiya .. Birthday boy mah tomorrow. So must fat abit. Then snapp photo more nice ah. LOL

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I say i hate you ..

But deep down..i have a feeling that i never once noticed.
Wahlau . Singapore like damn hot lah. ZZz.
Haiz. You've keep giving me this buggy feeling..We've been through like .. so much. You keep mentioning bout .. Supposedly other people who has a name that starts with " J " . I asked you before about . . who is it. But already knowing its not me. And you confirmed it too. I hated you. So why i had this feeling. We quarelled everytime we talked. But i don't know why i have a feeling the person you are talking about is me. Maybe my sixth sense is malfunctioning cause i know its not me.. Its not me.. ):
Haven't do my homework yet. But i guess i got until monday .. Cause labour day mah. But damn lah.. Today still got tuition. Yesterday singapore also like freaking hot. Naturally i sweat. Then it feels like the freaking uniform stick onto me until i feel damn uncofortable until cannot tahan. So for the chinese composition i anyhow scribble. I guess i fail.. and will get a thrashing from the chinese teacher (:
Why am i not the one you love? ):